You know if you have a car, you need auto insurance. However, you’re probably not thinking about what kind of coverage you have until you need it. From protecting your car, to protecting your passengers and any prized possessions along for the ride, it’s good to know your ERIE policy has you covered for life’s little mishaps.
Say your daughter forgets your car is parked right behind her in the driveway or a deer doesn’t wait his turn to cross the street, we’ll make sure you’re back on the road as soon as possible. In the moments after an accident, so many things are happening that you may feel overwhelmed. Thinking about what you auto policy covers shouldn’t be one of them.
Common Coverages
Depending on your state’s requirements for auto insurance and what limits and option you pick, your auto policy can include up to six common coverages.
You Cause an Accident and Someone Gets Hurt: Depending on your state’s requirements for auto insurance and what limits and option you pick, your auto policy can include up to six common coverages.
You Need Medical Treatment: If you or others covered on your policy are injured in an accident while occupying your vehicle, there’s a coverage that reimburses for medical treatment. It’s called medical payments coverage or personal injury protection.
Not Enough to Go Around: Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage (optional in some states) is for your protection. If you are injured by a hit-and-run driver or a driver who does not have auto liability insurance, you’re covered by uninsured motorist coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage pays when the other person doesn’t have enough coverage to cover the entire cost of your injury claim.
Financial Security Blanket: Comprehensive (or “Comp” for short) insurance provides financial protection for your car from loss due to fire, theft or damage not caused by a collision (for example, hitting that deer we mentioned earlier).
Crash Helmet: Collision coverage is used when your car collides with another car or object, or flips over. So if you have a newer vehicle, are on a lease or still owe on your car loan, you would definitely want comp and collision.
To take a look at your current coverage, contact us today!
Originally Posted by: Travelers Insurance